Shiv K Sah
Shiv K Sah
Please review sms broadcast client implementation which include the below features:- - Receive ' * ' value in 'to' params for broadcast sms to all IMSIs - Send SMS to...
Please review denomination UI changes which include the below features:- - New UI design - Continuous range - Confirm before apply change - Start/End amount integer value - Bulk delete...
Please review notification feature which include the below features:- - Manage notifications (list/add/edit/delete) - i18n support for message - Event type mapped and automatic Screenshot:  
Please review sms broadcast feature which include the below features:- - Send bulk sms to network ( admin current select network) - Send bulk sms to tower - Send sms...
Please review waterfall report which include the below features: - Activation summary - Loader - Reload Amount - Reload Transactions - Reload Rate - Average Frequency This PR is dependent...
Please review Call and SMS report which include the below features: - Minute of calls - Number of calls - Number of SMS 
This is common chart component for all reports with below additional features:- - Pie chart - Bar chart - Line chart - Table view - Download graph and csv
Please review subscriber balance zero out feature: - On the expiry of validity, available balance should be zero out - Validity will be assigned from PR# This PR is...
Please review. On subscriber info tab, it will show balance validity of subscriber.
Please review network/subscriber credit limit implementation which include the below features: - Cloud admin and admin have rights to set the highest denomination bracket (Reload limit) correspond to which subscriber...