Shivesh Khaitan
Shivesh Khaitan
Yes I did not specify a branch because I have made `eloquent-devel` the default branch. You are probably getting error because that branch did not exist when you cloned the...
That is ok. Should work as well
Yes. As already mentioned in the ``, it would require laser scans on topic `/scan` and the transforms (tf) between `odom` -> `base_link` -> `base_scan_link`.
`slam_gmapping` should work on both `crystal` and `dashing`. It works fine with both source built and debian packages. Are you supplying any additional arguments after the command? ```ros2 launch slam_gmapping...
The launch file currently just runs the node `slam_gmapping`. Can you try `ros2 run slam_gmapping slam_gmapping`?
This error should come up only if: - either the package is not built - or the workspace is not sourced
`slam_gmapping` is unable to find the definition of `tf2_ros`. Can you check if has it been built correctly?
@NathanDodson sorry for the late reply. The installation procedure for this package is similar to other ros2 packages. The command would be ``` colcon build --packages-select slam_gmapping openslam_gmapping ``` This...