I've seen no new commits in a number of years and as newer go versions are released issues are being encountered here.
While it's easy enough to view logs of the individual docker containers that are provisioned using shipyard. I am finding myself wishing for a log view similar to docker-compose. shipyard...
Currently, there is not a way to have multiple blueprints coexist sanely. Blueprints should be namespaced or ordinal numbers added to their resource names in order to segregate and list...
I would like to see a blueprint validate so errors can be caught before run. Validate could also be used in CI as I upload blueprints to github shipyard validate
No CLI should be without an applicable man page. I'd want to check here first vs having to go online to shipyard's documentation.
If I supply a command in which arguments are required. I'd expect help to be displayed on stdout vs doing nothing and exit which is currently what is being experienced.
Defining a resource using: `` results in an error. I would expect I can use dot notation to define my resources. You can sanitize this during blueprint parse as you...
Let's try and trap and send the appropriate exit code. For instance. On error, I should not see exit code zero and would expect 1 or another code depending on...
**shipyard list:** should show blueprints that are running This would be a nice command to show all currently running blueprints. This should be backlogged, however, because at this time multiple...
**Note from @lkysow:** I'm moving this to hashicorp/consul because the discuss post shows a user on EC2 also saw this error. ### Overview of the Issue New 1.10.0 on New...