Results 9 comments of ShellFu

This is being increasingly wanted in my daily usage of shipyard. Troubleshooting individual components in a blueprint vs hunting the right container down when I have a large number running...

This would be a very nice addition. +1

Can I get an ACK on this guy? I'd like to start working on this one unless you have other ideas in the pipe.

I've installed in a couple other locations with the same chart/values as above and in the same datacenter the warn messages are for the other consul-servers in the cluster. This...

Yeah, that is what I am seeing. It's the local cluster that is emitting these messages and FLOODING the logs

I went ahead and did more installation tests. I installed Consul 1.10.1 and Chart 0.32.1 and backed down the Consul and Chart version all the way to 1.8.4 and 0.26.0...

Restarts in the way you describe unfortunately does not solve the problem here. The clusters appear to be healthy otherwise, but this is flooding logs and I do not think...