I think the command ought to be: `gdrive import --mime 'text/csv' sample.csv` # Edit - sorry, import not upload `Imported [ID] with mime type: 'application/'` However that isn't working for...
For anyone else having issues with this here is (sort of) a work around. - Create an empty sheet. - Get the ID of the sheet (e.g. list contents of...
How strange. I can't see that anything changed, but felix isn't adding the OSGi stuff. Will investigate.
As far as I can tell it looks like it's possible. Any23 isn't in maven repo, which is a problem.
First <fake ..> removal is broken. Second, it's caused by the lack of a namespace context. If I hack in the evalcontext tests fail since it doesn't change once an...
I could make a fake one, and set the requisite bits? If I see {svg uri}svg I can set the svg prefix, since I'm passed that too (iirc)
Aha, it seems that the unprefixed rel is the issue. I'm getting no namespace uri for it, and that seems to be the problem. The outputter is trying to set...
Moved web service to use woodstox. Tempted to close with 'use woodstox', but I'm sure there must be a better way...
Are you using woodstox? I've found StAX output varied depending on the library. Drives me batty :-(
Thanks for the report. Oh how I hate base... Of course does have a base (i.e. that uri), but I know what you mean. InputSource is permitted to have...