I ran IDR on the list of peaks where some of the summit values are -1, and I got the following error: > File "/mnt/silencer2/home/yanxiazh/.local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/idr-2.0.3-py3.4-linu x-x86_64.egg/idr/", line 222, in merge_peaks_in_contig...
* Check the performance/speed of 1) alignment 2) filter_chimeric 3) mkPE 4) sorting. See which is the rate limiting step. Is there need to separate the pipe into temp files...
Hi Rongxin, I run the following snap-pre command on a bam file, and got the following QC file with mostly 0s. Is there anything wrong with the bam format that...
Hi Rongxin, Thanks for making this great tool! With Snaptools, I wondering if there is option to start with the bam files, rather than fastq? For example, if I already...