Sagar Sharma
Sagar Sharma
While trying to setup osmocom client vagrant up osmocom successfully executed but after, **vagrant ssh osmocom** and **sudo apt-get update** the below command fails: **apt-get install endaga-osmocom** Reading package lists......
* message for subscriber as mapped or automatic events (Both types included) can be added. * editing a existing message for subscriber. * auto translations of every new message in...
* State changes (Active, First_Expired, Expired or Recycle) depending on subscriber validity * Blocking on consecutive error_transfer (top-up) and mark as negative transaction * Dailplan/Chatplan updated w.r.t Suscriber Role and...
Added: 1) prices under network 2) Clear Search for Subscriber search form On top of Guardian_Features branch  
Please review PR for Billing reports for sprint 3. This PR comprises reports for: * Call Billing * SMS Billing * Total Billing (Call + SMS) * Retailer Load Transfer...
Guardian Permission Implementation. This commit is on top of sprint_1 (user management and subscriber management). Also: Added user management where user wasn't able to see any same level user to...
Please review Subscriber features which include: --> negative (for invalid events) and formatted transaction IDs for Usage Events --> block/unblock Subscriber on Invalid Events
Please review Subscriber features which include: --> Subscriber's State change (first expire/expired/recycle) with respect to subscriber's valid, threshold and grace days. --> Send SMS to subscriber regarding validity expiry.