Adding a behavior to a GLTF actor with a box colliderType produces an error Error: "_App Behaviors will not function on Unity host apps without adding a collider to this...
Editing a transform doesn't work after an animation has completed and a new parent is set **Repros:** 1. Animate app transform 2. When done, change parent 3. Set local transform
We should add support to allows actors, such as text, to locally face a user.
To enable testing locally hosted MREs with an untethered device, you have: 1. Expose PC via ngrok, or equivalent tunneling service 2. Modify your MRE to the URL, exposed from...
Setting local scale on a text transform then calling animateTo doesn't result in the transform animating. **Repro**: 1. Original scale not set, just set. 2. On hover: set scale...
When you start from the debugger, lot of exceptions are raised making it difficult to debug with exceptions enabled.
By default, the app consumes exceptions without reporting. This makes it hard to see and debug errors.
When creating text that is flagged as disabled, the text is enabled after creation. This is specially problematic for late-join players.
When applying the rotation Quaternion.FromEulerAngles(-90, 0, 0), the resulting rotation is not correct.