**csgjs_vector pos; csgjs_vector normal; csgjs_vector uv;******
Can I use Collision detection module Seperately , just by passing two concave meshes ( format .off , .ply or any ) ??
Is it Possible to compute grid of size 1024*1024*1000 in CUDA Marching cube ??
i have to pass two external collision object , and simply check wether they are colliding or not...
Implementation for passing external mesh of two bodies and check wether they are colliding or not ??
Is it possible to provide input XYZ resolution to this tool and get back mesh file ??
**std::vector< std::pair > CCV;** How to print CCV vector , i mean write individual connected components in separate .ply file... ??
[Here is dataset just boundary of objects](
Actually i want to provide my own points into this "**FindActiveVoxels()**" function , but it seems that you have also provided a parameter named as config "SuperPrimitiveConfig& config", **how to...
Is it possible to get connected components as different meshes , is it possible using this tool??