Dominik Zyla
Dominik Zyla
I've noticed Cartographer allows the stamped objects to share the same name within the same namespace and within the same supply chain which in case of Runnables causes objects to...
It would be useful to be able to use `crashd` to scrape AWS and vCenter directly via APIs instead of relying on data from CAPI. Information we would like to...
CAPA provides a way to deploy clusters on AWS without a jumpbox. Instead SSM Session Manager ( is used to access nodes. For such cases having additional `ssm()` starlark function...
### Bug description: We recently found out that it takes a while for runnable to figure out the underlying object is completed. For instance: ``` conditions: - lastTransitionTime: "2022-09-29T22:13:10Z" message:...
The images created with the `kpack` all have the SGID set on the `/layers` directory: ```drwxrwsrwx 1 root cnb 4096 Jan 1 1980 /layers/``` However there's no need to do...