Scott Frolich

Results 16 comments of Scott Frolich

We are still seeing this error and I have verified that the API Key has correct access and the key is available as CLOUD_PROVIDER_API_KEY environment variable. In a similar environment...

> @sfrolich What's different between your 2 environments? Nothing really except they are in 2 different GKE clusters. Both running the same version of GKE and same version of Opencost...

Same problem here on all our GKE clusters

I fixed my problem by on EKS and GKE by making sure the SecurityGroup/Firewall from the managed master could communicate with the worker nodes on port 9090. I had a...

I'm having the same problem with v56.6.2 with the following in values.yaml ``` defaultRules: disabled: KubeControllerManagerDown: true KubeSchedulerDown: true ```

> Looks the backend went down because it either took > 90s to respond or lack of resources. Try to set env variable UWSGI_WORKER_HARAKIRI=0. We tried setting UWSGI_WORKER_HARAKIRI to 361...

Same here. Every EKS cluster we have upgraded from 1.24 to 1.25 have all lost metrics through Lens.

@mattray this is the resolution for me to remove [GET*] The error persists but the pod isn't constantly restarting

I am also using ArgoCD to upgrade the Kuberay operator from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1 then updating my RayService from 2.10.0 to 2.22.0 but the RayService is not upgrading. The existing...

@kevin85421 should I open a new bug on RayService not upgrading or is this one good enough (even though the title doesn't match my problem)?