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Opencost won't start with 400 "reason": "RESOURCE_PROJECT_INVALID" .
Describe the bug
Opencost fails to start in GCP with a 400 "reason": "RESOURCE_PROJECT_INVALID" .
ERR Failed to lookup reserved instance data: googleapi: Error 400 │
│ opencost Details: │
│ opencost [ │
│ opencost { │
│ opencost "@type": "", │
│ opencost "domain": "", │
│ opencost "metadatas": { │
│ opencost "method": "compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsService.AggregatedList", │
│ opencost "service": "" │
│ opencost }, │
│ opencost "reason": "RESOURCE_PROJECT_INVALID" │
│ opencost } │
│ opencost ] │
│ opencost , invalidParameter
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Create API key with Compute and Billing API access.
Expected behavior It works.
Which version of OpenCost are you using?
Additional context
I used terraform to generate the KEY and used it like this:
key: cloud-provider-api-key
name: opencost
resource "google_project_service" "project" {
project = var.google_project_id
service = ""
resource "google_project_service" "api_keys" {
project = var.google_project_id
service = ""
resource "google_apikeys_key" "billing_key" {
name = "cloudbillingopencostkey"
display_name = "cloudbilling-api-opencost-key"
project = var.google_project_id
restrictions {
api_targets {
service = ""
methods = ["GET*"]
api_targets {
service = ""
methods = ["GET*"]
depends_on = [google_project_service.project, google_project_service.api_keys]
resource "kubernetes_secret_v1" "opencost_api_key" {
metadata {
name = "opencost"
namespace = "opencost"
data = { "cloud-provider-api-key" = google_apikeys_key.billing_key.key_string }
What is your resource project name ? Might have some character we don’t expect or consider invalid.
This doesn't affect OpenCost working for Kubernetes pricing, I think it should be a WRN
instead of ERR
It may be a vestige of the Cloud Costs integration, we may need to get more specific on our logging messages to differentiate when Cloud Costs are enabled and things aren't working vs. disabled and shouldn't be complaining.
What is your resource project name ? Might have some character we don’t expect or consider invalid.
no weird project name just the following schema: tenletters-tenletters
I'm also not sure where opencost gets the project name from.
In any case, I'm surprised we're actually crashlooping on this. Let's get this prioritized to not crash at least cc @cliffcolvin
I have a similar error but I am not sure how it affects the behavior of the application because Opencost UI seems to be working fine and I get some data about the costs. Maybe default costs are used?
I see another ERR message above the mentioned one
WRN Failed to load auth secret, or was not mounted: Secret does not exist
Might those errors be connected?
ERR Failed to lookup reserved instance data: googleapi: Error 400: Invalid resource field value in the request.
"@type": "",
"domain": "",
"metadatas": {
"method": "compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsService.AggregatedList",
"service": ""
, invalidParameter
Did you have your CLOUD_PROVIDER_API_KEY set? You can do that from an environment variable or with the Helm chart.
Yes. Without specifying cloudProviderApiKey
when using Helm chart for managing Opencost, the instance is not able to run. Default value in Helm chart is empty string if managing with Helm. It is not mentioned in the docs examples for Helm that there needs to be this environment variable set.
On the other hand the quickstart demo manual uses Kubernetes manifest from this file with the comment The GCP Pricing API requires a key. This is supplied just for evaluation.
So to answer your question. Yes I had CLOUD_PROVIDER_API_KEY set with unrestricted privilege. I was using these Helm values.yml
cloudProviderApiKey: "<cloud_provider_api_key_value>"
Warnings and Errors I get are in this order:
- WRN Failed to load auth secret, or was not mounted: Secret does not exist
- ERR Failed to lookup reserved instance data: googleapi: Error 400: Invalid resource field value in the request.
I've updated the docs to focus the required steps per-cloud provider. The GCP instructions include the CLOUD_PROVIDER_API_KEY steps:
We are still seeing this error and I have verified that the API Key has correct access and the key is available as CLOUD_PROVIDER_API_KEY environment variable. In a similar environment with the same setup we do not get this error.
@sfrolich What's different between your 2 environments?
@sfrolich What's different between your 2 environments?
Nothing really except they are in 2 different GKE clusters. Both running the same version of GKE and same version of Opencost with the same configuration setup (API key setup through Secret/External Secret/API Key).
I checked my environment again today and the opencost container is no longer erroring out. Makes no sense that "eventually" it would start working. In the log I did see: DBG [Reserved] No Reserved Instances
so it appears that it was able to check the reserved instances but there are none (we indeed do not have any reserved instances)
So @mattray what do you think could cause it to eventually succeed?
I have the same issue. I correctly set the "cloudProviderApiKey" following the new doc. However, the following logs are displayed:
WRN Failed to load auth secret, or was not mounted: Secret does not exist. ERR Failed to lookup reserved instance data: googleapi: Error 400: Invalid resource field value in the request.
Details: [ { "@type": "", "domain": "", "metadatas": { "method": "compute.v1.RegionCommitmentsService.AggregatedList", "service": "" }, "reason": "RESOURCE_PROJECT_INVALID" } ]
- The api key was created without limits
- I created the secret open-costs following the procedure and it is correctly mounted.
@mattray @cliffcolvin
So @mattray what do you think could cause it to eventually succeed?
Really hard to tell. Is it possible someone updated permissions on a role between deployments?
Could you try 1.110.0 and see if the issue persists? Since this one's been closed maybe we should start a new issue against 1.110.0 and we'll try to clear the logs out if it's working
@mattray this is the resolution for me to remove [GET*]
The error persists but the pod isn't constantly restarting