Sander Fieten

Results 7 comments of Sander Fieten

Hi, to use Log4j2 you need to use either _com.mchange.v2.log.log4j2.Log4j2MLog_ or _log4j2_ as value for the _com.mchange.v2.log.MLog_ system property. But please note that this is only supported in mchange-commons version...

Version 6.1.0 should support signing with EC based algorithms, but it does not support EC based encryption as this requires the implementation of the _Key Agreement_ mechanism which is not...

The SNAPSHOT version in the [next]( branch now includes support for the EC based signing and _Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement_ method for exchanging the symmetric encryption keys. **NOTES:** 1. Issue #124...

@RobertArmic, you're right that only buidling the _interfaces_ module isn't enough to be able to build the file back-end project. Also the _core_ and _ebms3as4_ modules need to be built....

Hi @gtalman, the ebMS specification unfortunately leaves room for interpretation how these references shoud be handled, see also [issue 84 in the issue tracker of the OASIS ebMS TC.]( As...

The packages naming is different for these version, so the new version cannot not directly replace the old one if dependend code uses the old names. The 2.10.5 version is...

I have looked into this but not able to reproduce this issue, so I cannot determine why this fails. But it looks like the RMI client does not use the...