Holodeck-B2B copied to clipboard
Distribution Package appears to provide two competing versions of ehcache
Holodeckb2b-distribution-6.1.0.zip contains two files
- ehcache-2.10.5.jar
- ehcache-3.10.8.jar
I am quite certain that the 2.10.5 is outdated and can be safely removed.
The packages naming is different for these version, so the new version cannot not directly replace the old one if dependend code uses the old names. The 2.10.5 version is included as it is a dependency of the WS-Security library. But since Holodeck B2B does not use the functionality from the security library that includes caching I indeed believe it could be removed. In the upcoming version of HB2B upgrades to a newer version of the WS-Security library and this issue is resolved.
yeah we tested by removing the library and also did a scan for imports which (afaik) came back negative. We are already operating an installation where we manually deleted that file (due to a CVE being present in 2.10.5)