Seth Vargo

Results 10 issues of Seth Vargo

Originally part of, but then reverted in because some users were depending on the behavior. In 1.0, we should change the API contract so that decoders are never...

Hey there. I wrote a static analyzer that detects common errors with sugared "With" fields (incomplete KV pairs, non-string keys) at There's quite a lot of open and closed...

Hey everyone - my partner got me a Tidbyt for my birthday and I'm having a ton of fun! Now I want to make a "private" app that updates continuously,...

@igoooor here's what is required to make multi-arch work. However, it looks like neither Artifact Registry nor Container Registry support multi-arch images yet.

### TL;DR For each file, we create a resumable metadata file on disk for the client library. However, we never clean up that file. On managed runners, it's fine because...


### TL;DR The current load test can only run 3x in a short period and then we hit quota limits. This makes iterative testing and debugging [extremely painful](, so it's...


> It appears the `flags` input is not mentioned in README, probably it can be updated so with a sample from this issue. _Originally posted by @hunghvu in

When using the same version of `ncc` locally (OS X) and on GitHub Actions, the compiled file is slightly different ([full diff]( ```diff diff --git a/dist/index.js b/dist/index.js index 720bbbd..217b40a 100644...


### TL;DR What is missing to cut 1.0? ### Detailed design _No response_ ### Additional information _No response_
