Hello, - Check that you setup 115200 baud rate. - ML605 is a quite obsolete board which is not supported in Vivado (I entirely switched into kc705). But you can...
Did you try to connect to board via Ethernet? Could you try the following file? [](
MMU not implemented yet, so only special builds of Linux without hardware MMU support.
I can reproduce this exception. CPU module doesn't support Compressed version of the instruction FLD (load double value from memory), so there's several options: - Add this instruction into simulation...
The latest River revision implements MMU, S- and U-modes and is capable to run Linux. Tested with Debian. DDR, PCIE sub-modules are out of this repository but they should be...
Hi, - srun is the executable binary of the Slurm utility. It is the resource manager used by a computer cluster. If you intend to run makefile on a single...
Not enough information. Not enough memory /CPU resources or something wrong with the port.
Looks good for me at this point. I've never tried to use ISim, do you see any messages in the vivado console or triggered breakpoint?
- Try to check input ports _i_xmsto_ and _i_xslvi_ of the _axictrl_bus0_ module that there're no 'X' values. - Try to update to the latest version, some bugs were fixed...
Could you try to update module file and try again? There was bug detected with the array index.