flexbar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flexbar copied to clipboard

flexible barcode and adapter removal

Results 18 flexbar issues
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Hi! Thanks for flexbar! I have more a question than an issue.. I was wondering if some adapter parameters are applied for barcodes too. To be more specific, I want...

Hey, here is my script: **module load flexbar/3.5.0 DATA="/data/epifluidlab/lulu/hek293t/data" mySample="Dmut2 Dmut3 Dyth1 Dyth2 Dyth3" for s in $mySample do flexbar -r $DATA/${s}_1.fq.gz -p $DATA/${s}_2.fq.gz -aa Nextera –zip-output GZ –threads 16...

Hello, While analyzing sequencing data biologists sent me, I found quite a big issue with the F/R barcodes combinations. For a fastq file, they provide two barcodes fasta file (F...

Hi, this issue is related to #38. I just managed to install flexbar upon user request on our cluster using tbb 2020.3 and seqan 2.4.0. However, there are so many...

- add `FlexbarAtomic` - a simple wrapper around `std::atomic` which adds a copy constructor - to replace `tbb::atomic` member variables in classes with default copy constructors - replace removed `tbb::atomic`...

Hi, Debian has migrated to onetbb (the successor of tbb). Unfortunately flexbar does not build with the new API as you can read in the [bug report against the Debian...

Hi! I am trying to install Flexbar using Miniconda, but the package isn't found in any channels. I searched for Flexbar in the bioconda channels using the following command: `conda...

Thanks for your brilliant work! flexbar is my most used trimming tool. But I found a little defect recently when enabling `--umi-tags`. The UMI would be added behind reads number...

I want to perform demultiplexing on paired-end fastq files but with barcodes for each pair fastq file. This basic command works well ``` $flexbar -r $R1_fastq --barcodes $Tags ``` This...

Hi sir, We have followed commands mentioned in manuel tar xzf flexbar-3.5.0.tar.gz tar xJf seqan-library-2.4.0.tar.xz mv seqan-library-2.4.0/include flexbar-3.5.0 cd flexbar-3.5.0 cmake . make but it shows error at after make...