flexbar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flexbar copied to clipboard

Question about setting parameters

Open mtsiknia opened this issue 11 months ago • 0 comments


Thanks for flexbar!

I have more a question than an issue.. I was wondering if some adapter parameters are applied for barcodes too. To be more specific, I want to demultiplex my samples based on barcodes and I want to search for reverse complement of these barcodes too, so can I use the -ac ON parameter for that, even it is for adapters, OR should I set my barcodes as adapters (e.g. -a instead of -b)?

example of the command would be

flexbar -r R1_001.fastq.gz -p R2_001.fastq.gz --barcodes barcodes.fasta --barcode-trim-end ANY -ac ON -ap ON --barcode-unassigned --barcode-keep -t ~/output --zip-output GZ -n 30

Thank you in advanced


mtsiknia avatar Jul 12 '23 09:07 mtsiknia