flexbar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flexbar copied to clipboard

flexible barcode and adapter removal

Results 18 flexbar issues
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Hello, I'm trying to install flexbar 3.5.0 in a singularity container and got the following error message: `CMake Error: The source directory "/flexbar-3.5.0-linux" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.` The...

I am trying to use flexbar at the paired-end mode but only calling reads 1/2 files and the adaptor sequence file, I obtain the following error: `Processing reads ...Error: single...

cd flexbar-3.5.0 cmake . No errors up to this point after 'make' get the error --> In file included from /Users/jackcrook/desktop/flexbar-3.5.0/src/Flexbar.cpp:24:/Users/jackcrook/desktop/flexbar-3.5.0/src/Flexbar.h:15:10: fatal error: 'tbb/pipeline.h' file not found #include

Dear We are experiencing a particular data setting for which we would like to apply flexbar. Would it be possible with flexbar to demultiplex reads which have barcodes at both...

When I used this software to trim amplicon reads for **515F-806R primer**, it reported the error as follows: ```markdown ERROR: Unexpected character 'Y' found. Program execution aborted. ``` the following...

hi,sir: when I used to install flexbar by command "conda install -c bioconda flexbar ",the error Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with...

I think -ap ONLY mode should still respect the -at option (to keep RIGHT or LEFT side) ``` flexbar -n 16 -r 1.fastq.gz -p 2.fastq.gz -av 20 -at RIGHT -ap...

Hi, I want to remove adapters and demultiplex by barcode a couple of paired-end fastq files First this basic command works fine so it means my files are likely to...