> Solution? ----> [microg/android_packages_apps_GmsCore#366 (comment)]( Did solve the issue for me on two phones which used NanoDroid installed to install microG. A reboot was required. I am using and...
Hey, I would also like to request that this is implemented in sddm. Other display managers like gdm support this. This, together with the fact that FIDO2 with a PIN...
Could someone please have a look at this issues? It's open for a year and it is really annoying and impacting battery life. My Element constantly rings, sometimes multiple times...
Could someone please have a look at this issues? It's open for a year and it is really annoying and impacting battery life. My Element constantly rings just because of...
Just ran into this issue myself and it did took me some time to figure out why it wasn't working. Would really appreciate if this could be fixed! Until then,...
Currently version 0.3.2
Ich würde es auch begrüßen, wenn die Erweiterung unter Firefox für Android funktionieren würde. Bei mir funktioniert über den beschriebenen weg zwar die installation der Erweiterung, aber die Artikel werden...