I was going to implement it behind a rule but I couldn't find a situation where you would want the world border to be in real time when you are...
Added the rule 👍
> Also you could save an AW by calling setSize() when finishing moving instead of manually constructing the static one, though idk if it'd be an issue with the listeners....
I just tried again to extend `MovingExtent`, I forgot - you cannot extend an inner class, this was probably the reason why I ended up not doing this xD. Modifying...
This is feature request not a bug
This won't be implemented in EssentialAddons.
Probably not
Information on permissions on the README. The latest version of the mod can be downloaded [here](
When switching maps? As in jumping between servers, like Velocity or Bungeecord? You are able to set scripts to automatically start when you join a new server, does this not...
This is likely to be caused by #1849, which has been fixed.