Sascha Engmann
Sascha Engmann
I am in favor of dropping the IE11 support.
@xyecoding Here a late suggestion: []( I used this plugin to create git commit graphs like this \`\`\`mermaid %%{init: {'gitGraph': {'showBranches': false, 'showCommitLabel': false} }}%% gitGraph commit commit tag: "ancestor"...
We can cope without the schematic. I will close this issue
@romanroe Do we want to change our implementation? Otherwise I would like to close this issue.
In the actual package.json this package is reverenced as a dependency as follows `"redux-devtools-extension": "2.13.8"`. Should we close this issue or move it to peer-dependencies?
@dolanor Thanks for your feedback. I will try your suggestion. The documentation of the Container.publish method should be more specific about the address parameter.
@dolanor With the help of your example I was able to fix the problem. Thanks again.