Sebastian Müller
Sebastian Müller
Hi @mutobui. Thank you for the submission and for your patience. I am now reviewing your milestone. According to the application document, deliverable `0e` should be "Article", `2` should be...
Hi @gsieczkowski10clouds, thank you for your application! We will look into it as soon as possible.
Thanks for the application, @davidzindex999. A few questions: - Is there a reason you only address smart contracts, and not also pallets? I'd assume there would be interest in pallet...
The branches/paths linked in Deliverables 0b and 2 don't exist, could you fix those?
Also: - The image on Docker Hub is either private or nonexistent - Deliverable 2 points to your own `substrate-frontend-template`, but the test instructions point to `substrate-developer-hub`, and I don't...
@MikeMS-sys, any updates on this?
Hi @MikeMS-sys, in order to continue with the evaluation of the milestone, could you address the issues I have raised in my two comments above?
Hi @andskur & @MikeMS-sys. I had planned to evaluate both of your milestones today, but there are still issues with this delivery. - There are no public `uddug/substrate-juni` or `andskur/juni-db`...
Hey @MikeMS-sys & @andskur, any news on this milestone?