Yes, TOC would be a good feature to add to fsNotes ; really missed it as writing a chaptered note.
It's already done by framasoft, they used and instance of mindmaps (yeat avalaible here: ) to propose their open source mindmaping services (
I'd like to know what are the formats accepted on import by mindmaps ?
I find a way to fix it. After some research, it appears that this location of pandoc is provide by panwriter, which I installed for testing. I remove panwriter, which...
Hey @AlFontal : in the end, nothing works for me with Pandoc Plugin (uninstall, install, reinstalle pandoc or the plugin). I just fire Pandoc Plugin, reinstall Pandoc with homebrew, and...
Reply to myself, if it could be useful to anyone: I find a way to ease the search of a large amount of files, but it requires some discipline :...
I have the same problem. It happens after the dropbox sync began to fail. After a long search, I ended to understand that iOS versions of Joplin (I use two,...
The bug is still there on iOS, but no longer on macOS (??)
What ?!! The bug came back on macOS, maybe after the sync with the iOS version that I didn’t use for a while