fsnotes copied to clipboard
{{TOC}} feature?
Describe your feature request I'm a NValt and 1Writer markdown user for a long time and I've discovered FSNote and I really like the clean approach but I'm surprise {{TOC}} are not included in the core features. Is it possible to include it?
Additional context macOS 10.13.6
What is TOC?
Table of contents
Yes, TOC would be a good feature to add to fsNotes ; really missed it as writing a chaptered note.
Release available for download here https://github.com/glushchenko/fsnotes/releases/tag/6.0.0
I also ask you to vote on Prouct Hunt and Reddit, it will help in spreading:
https://www.producthunt.com/posts/fsnotes-6 https://www.reddit.com/r/macapps/comments/yh8156/fsnotes_v6_pro_notes_manager_for_macos/