
Results 10 comments of seb-sykio

hi, thanks for answer. As I said, the same gif does not make any problem when I use image_optim_pack

``` image_optim v0.25.0 config: pack: false verbose: true pngout: false svgo: false pngcrush: false nice: 10 threads: 40 pack: false skip_missing_workers: false allow_lossy: false cache_dir: cache_worker_digests: false Resolved advpng 1.18...

sorry I dont understand what you mean. How can I check this ?

i'm using rails, not sure this answer your question

sorry, nothing online. the only solution I found for now is to remove gem "grape-logging"

it seems it happens when data-desc is empty data-desc=""

hi, I saw the workaround, but it does not work with Resque.enqueue_at Did anyone find another solution? thanks

yes I use deliver_now, but anyway, with log I can clearly see that "perform" method is not called at all

still it would be wonderful to have an update with thor 1.0.1