Can someone please post sample code? This is what I am doing in my controller. $scope.toaddress = { location: '' }; $scope.$watch('toadrress.location', function(mynewVal, myoldVal) { if (mynewVal.hasOwnProperty('formatted_address')) { var toaddressname...
this worked for me. I used $scope.apply to assign the output to a variable.
I am having the same issue. went through all the suggestions in this forum but no success.
Little tricky but worked. At one point it returned location.description but then stopped. Thank you for the solution Quipu.
Did we ever get the NgAutocomplete integrated into this? Please advise.
I am having the same issue.
just resolved it point to js and css in your index.html
No. May be a mobile phone with cards or money in it? Please see the google search results at the URL below:
Is there are timeline for it?
Based on the facebook documentation it is just another button type. To test the actual payments you need a real world app and go through facebook's approval process.