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Alleloscope is a method for allele-specific copy number estimation that can be applied to single cell DNA and ATAC sequencing data (separately or in combination). Allele-specific estimation allows for...
Hello, I have a 10x scDNAseq tumor data and a matched bulk WGS normal data. I would like to perform CNA analysis using Alleloscope. I am not sure on how...
Can you provide centromere and telomere data for hg19? or the way to generate these data? Thanks!
Hi there, Thanks for providing such an interesting tool for the research community. I am testing the pipeline on scATAC-seq tumor samples only. How to work around "Step2. Unbiased segmentation...
Hi there, Thanks so much for creating this package. I'm in the processing for trying it for one of my samples. I have bulk WGS and 10x scATACseq (also paired...
Hi, My scDNA data comes from the Mission bio platform, and "barcodes.tsv" or any file in the same format will not be output in Tapestri Pipeline. Is there any way...
Our bam files were aligned to human reference with the version hs1.fa. Can you provide centromere and telomere data for hs1? or the way to generate these data?
Hello, I've tried to run the pipeline's steps for ATACseq data and even with the "test" data I have a problem with cov_cna_plot.pdf. The code doesn't make an error and...