any updates? Mine's also said `Installer failed with exit code: 2008` while upgrading Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit [Microsoft WindowsADK]
Is it because of the new system icon tray spacing or the taskbar icon alignment? I just tried this out but don't know where the problem is. 這個是因為 insider 版本的...
用 RivaTuner 也不錯 常常在評測的影片中看到 就是在遊戲畫面左上角有一個小小的橘色fps
@ChaXxl 我的也是 Build 22610,請問一下你靠左邊的那個選項(天氣app置左)也是正常的嗎? 我之前 22598 的時候也是好的,更新完又會蓋過去了:
If you're wondering how to do the same as @happyTonakai mentioned for mamba, you should definitely check out [this GitHub issue]( Follow the steps in that comment and your powershell...
In case you also want to add conda/mamba to powershell profile, but instead of using the built-in `init` method (which is slow), you can try this out ([reference]( After configuring,...
Hello I am new to this, may I ask how to enable alpha-nvim startup screen for your configuration? I can see its file but don't know how to toggle it...
Thanks man it worked. I saw it being commented out in the `lua/plugins.lua` file and uncommented it, works like a charm. A big fan of your curated configurations, they all...
yeah still doesn't work, I am on `puppeteer": "^22.12.1`. After creating the only context using `const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ args: ["--incognito"] });` and then creating a new page afterwards...