
Results 4 issues of sdwien

Dear Harmony Team, I recently started to work with 10x Visium data, and one of the projects comprises 8 samples analysed on 2 Visium slides. The sample set has several...

Dear all, I tried to align paired end (2x300) reads from an Illumina MiSeq with the latest version of bwamem2 (bwa-mem2-2.2.1_x64-linux) and the following command: `bwa-mem2-2.2.1_x64-linux/bwa bwa-mem2 mem hg19.fa R1.fastq.gz...

When I executed ClusterProfShinyGSEA with the example Drosophila dataset, the gseGO and gseKEGG tabular results were not shown in the browser. They were generated, though, because when I download the...

Which keggKeyType should be selected for an input file that uses ENSMUSG-IDs as gene identifiers? I tried the default "ncbi-geneid", as well as "kegg", but for both, no KEGG results...