Scott Lewis
Scott Lewis
Eclipse 4.20 has a new feature for java project creation as described here: With Bndtools 5.3 release in Eclipse 4.20M3, when a project template is used to create the...
A new class PythonThrowable to take the String output from Python traceback.format_exc(), parse it, and represent the python Exception message and stack trace as a PythonThrowable instance. The constructor for...
I've recently created several bndtools project templates for remote services development. These templates have a natural order about using them...i.e. creating a service api project/bundle, creating an impl-of-that-api bundle and...
It would be very useful to have a user interface that presented the registered services...and associated metadata (svc properties), etc...and was able to connect to some externally running framework. Also...
This file org.bndtools.templating.gitrepo/resources/processed/org/bndtools/templating/jgit/initialrepos.txt specifies the two workspace templates made available by default in bnd workspace creation. Currently (and historically) it has these two workspace templates defined in the repos with...
In a recent story on VoiceCraft here: The author says that: The Voice Craft team emphasizes that they are working on methods for watermarking and recognizing synthetic speech to...
As per discussion on #6046 and summarized by issue #6083 it would be desirable to have oomph setups contributed so that users could easily create and configure bndtools without having...
Currently, to install tooling (e.g. remote services) it's necessary to both install Eclipse plugins (e.g. for new editors, views, wizards, etc) and setup a bndtools workspace based upon a workspace...
As per the discussion on issue #6046 there are oomph setups that can be contributed to the bndtools project, so that users can then use oomph to install and configure...
Hi Thomas. Hope you are well. Are you/anyone working on ipopo still? I've had a crazy idea: How about contributing ipopo as part of an 'AI/Python tools for Eclipse/OSGi' project?