Results 16 issues of Scott Ashton

I'm re-opening this PR that @astitt-ripple started. I cleaned up index.js a bit to follow the node conventions. I took the liberty of polyfilling Promise since it's clear from our...

JSDom has major issues compiling to the various platforms (e.g. See the bottom several paragraphs on their [npm page]( detailing how to ensure it builds). The root cause of this...

For those of us coming from a React Native background, having to specify a "default" property on declarations where we don't have any active names is like nails on chalkboard....

The Contributing section seems to be out of date. I was unable to get started after following the steps on my M1 Macbook. ```bash docker --version # Success bazel --version...


Search string: `che` ``` [ { string: 'Teachers Credit Union', score: 11, index: 136 }, { string: 'Teachers Chemical', score: 11, index: 20 } { string: 'Chevron Valley CU', score:...

## Description Switching from portrait to landscape orientation on an Android device with size equal to or greater than 6.7 inches causes a crash ### Screenshots It causes a crash....

Platform: Android
Repro provided

## Description When navigating between screens with different `screenOrientation` props, there is a roughly 100ms (on my machine) period of time that the incorrect orientation shows. This can be problematic...

Platform: iOS
Platform: Android
Repro provided

Hey, I love your library but I would prefer to not have my build dependent on a postinstall script. Is there any chance you would consider submitting your changes as...

## Description Handle function invocations created via sequence (comma) expressions. E.g. `(0, _reactNativeReanimated.useAnimatedGestureHandler)({...})` This happens commonly when libraries ship code that has been transformed by Babel. For example, [@gorhom/bottom-sheet]( gets...

Some audio files randomly take forever to transcribe on my M1 built of today’s main branch. My benchmark for small.en shows a fast encoding speed of ~800ms. Full benchmark {0:59}~/projects/whisper.cpp:master...