Check the color-codings in the image descriptions inside the paper.
Hi, Hamada! The script does not seem to order the photos alphanumeric order. I suppose another change was introduced in Google Photos, or I am doing something wrong.
@hamada2029 In short, I have albums which are a mix of: - standard photos (one photo = one file) - panoramic photos (multiple photos assembled into one file) - animations...
Thank you, @hamada2029 ! It works as expected.
When following the ROS Noetic version of the [grasping tutorial](https://ros-planning.github.io/moveit_tutorials/doc/moveit_grasps/moveit_grasps_tutorial.html), cloning the `moveit_grasps` repository fails: ``` git clone -b $ROS_DISTRO-devel https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit_grasps.git Cloning into 'moveit_grasps'... fatal: Remote branch noetic-devel not found...