Jörg Schwärzler

Results 6 issues of Jörg Schwärzler

I don't know why, but the `jacocoTestReport` task is the only task which does *not* print any coverage information. I tried with different configuration settings. I can use the following...

**Describe the bug** We are running an external GDB server form a task. When opening the disassembly window, everything works just fine. We can single-step, step over, etc. Just like...

I have a simple request: I'd like to have an official release of this great plugin. As it works pretty well for, I would not see a blocker. This would...

First of all: Thanks for the groovy syntax highlighting in Atom! About this issue: I found that the syntax highlighting of slashy strings probably should not highligh backslash sequences as...

### What is your question? We are creating a 'build tools' - like package which will have dependencies to some cross-compiler (i.e. gcc) as well as some include headers and...

I tried the `art:build-info` in our project to upload the build info to Artifactory for the new Conan2 builds, like: ```sh conan create . --format json --channel $channel --user $user...