Jörg Schwärzler

Results 10 comments of Jörg Schwärzler

Would be great to have this feature. We have a huge number of jobs - if we would display all of them in the same size the monitor would no...

same when running ``` cmake -G"Visual Studio 16" -T v140 ```

Is it expected that you need to manually specify something like `-DCONAN_SETTINGS_COMPILER_TOOLSET=v140` on the command line? Not sure whether this is even correct, but it seems to be able to...

@lacasseio Will this issue be dealt with in #302? I'm getting the MD5 error because the boost headers cannot be parsed and all include directories are considered which in turn...

@lacasseio Thanks for the quick response - and sorry for the delay. :flushed: Actually as you assumed we're using some boost headers for our application. Currently the folder containing the...

Same issue using the following simple pipeline: ```groovy node('JDK8') { checkout scm gitlabCommitStatus { bat 'echo foo' } } ``` I did not get it running at all, so far....

Maybe I missed it while trying to read through all comments: As I see this error both when running git bash and in cywin I wonder whether a ticket for...

@AJDurant You do not happen to know the cygwin package (version) that includes the fix?

Thanks. I can confirm that file deletion works when using cygwin 3.5.1 👍

@timriker For me that does not work. What works for me it asking Windows for the IP address of the machine, and set `DISPLAY` accordingly. My first approach to do...