Chris Schmich

Results 30 comments of Chris Schmich

You only need to translate the `message` values. The `description` is just to give you some context to assist with translation. Also, some messages are parameterized with `$parameter$`. In this...

> I really don't know how Chrome locale table works for Spaniards, do they get the same as es_419? Right now, they wouldn't. `en` is the default, `es` is more...

@joselcvarela @Peel40 Internationalization is complete (minus any small strings I might've missed), so the extension is ready for full translation. You should update/recreate your forks with the latest source before...

@alexkolson Fantastisch! I took a few years of German in school and I have some German family roots, but I'd fail miserably if I tried. I added you to the...

[Release 10]( was just published to the Chrome Web Store with all of the translations. Thanks again, everyone, for helping with this effort. I created the [Chrome Extension Localization]( project...

@mcmtradu Welcome! That would be fantastic. The steps I mention at the top are accurate and up-to-date, so you should be able to follow them without a problem. If you...

@pooriamo It looks like you've created your [own fork]( with your changes successfully. Now, all you need to do is [submit a pull request]( Once you do so, I will...

@pooriamo Your changes are in your own fork, and also in a branch off of the `master` branch. In this case, your changes are in your `patch-1` branch. When creating...

Thanks for the report. I will try to replicate this issue myself. I should be able to fix it quickly.

Awesome, this looks promising. One issue: `Messages.js` is actually dynamically generated from `messages.json` (see [Makefile]( and [this script]( My fault for not putting a banner at the top of `Messages.js`...