eduardo naufel schettino

Results 107 comments of eduardo naufel schettino

thanks for the clarification. Maybe it would make sense to put this in a wiki or somewhere the authors of each blog generator could help maintain it...

Just my 2 cents regarding this issue. I am switching from virtualenwrapper to vf and I am **not** interested in using the `workon` compatible plugin. But the ability to **optionally**...

For those interested waiting for a resolution on this issue. It can be achieved with a function that watches `$VIRTUAL_ENV`: ``` function _venv_cd_project_on_activate --on-variable VIRTUAL_ENV if test -e $VIRTUAL_ENV/.project cd...

"hold on" should happen only when using multiprocessing... I guess thats not your case. So I would guess the problem is circular dependency of tasks. doit usually get these problems,...

@afparsons sorry I really dont have time to maintain this project right now. do you want commit access? or maybe @Zulko can help you...

You mean in the sidebar toc ? see

Sorry for delay. I thought the scopefunc was a parameter for `sessionmaker`... SQLAlchemy uses a different "registry" for default/threads, so if no `greenlets` package I leave scopefunc as `None`. I...

Sounds like a bug. I cant think why it should be executed once per thread/process...

i guess it is ok. During the "load" tasks phase we could just translate from one style to the other, so not that many changes in the code.

Sorry, I dont understand what is the bug. I run your example and it exits with code 0 as expected.