Andreas Schauerte

Results 7 comments of Andreas Schauerte

I came across the same problem today. @kunjee17: can you please give a hint on how to force redirect in the proj file? I was curios about the difference between...

@kunjee17: No, I'm not using Paket. According to my understanding of [fsharp/#3408](, the coreclr doesn't support binding redirects and that is probably the reason, I can't find documentation on how...

@isthistechsupport since we are using Visual Studio, this issue hits us when we try to build on our ci-server. Instead of `dotnet publish PROJECT -c=release` we now execute `msbuild PROJECT...

This issue is very old but since I came across it today, I'll add my two cents: You can place a list.html file in the layouts/contact folder of your site...

One short question: After creating a new project with the current version of the quickstart template, I tried to upgrade the package references (and target net5.0). As soon, as I...

@vilinski this sounds great. Is there any way, we can help you?

Sorry, I am of no help here. I've tinkered a while to generate something but there seem to be so many breaking changes in so many dependencies I do not...