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Update Template package versions

Open AngelMunoz opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

bump versions, escape directives

Formating done with fantomas and F# Single Argument Web Mode (via Rider) https://github.com/fsprojects/fantomas/blob/master/docs/Documentation.md


AngelMunoz avatar Jan 11 '21 19:01 AngelMunoz

One short question: After creating a new project with the current version of the quickstart template, I tried to upgrade the package references (and target net5.0). As soon, as I target Avalonia 0.10.0-rc1 or higher, the application exits with an exception (while 9.12 and below are workign fine):

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Avalonia.IAvaloniaObject.SetValue(Avalonia.AvaloniaProperty`1<!!0>, !!0, Avalonia.Data.BindingPriority)'.
   at Avalonia.FuncUI.VirtualDom.Patcher.create(ViewDelta viewElement)
   at Avalonia.FuncUI.VirtualDom.VirtualDom.updateRoot(IContentControl host, FSharpOption`1 last, FSharpOption`1 next)
   at Avalonia.FuncUI.Components.Hosts.HostWindow.update(FSharpOption`1 nextViewElement)
   at Avalonia.FuncUI.Components.Hosts.HostWindow.Avalonia-FuncUI-Components-Hosts-IViewHost-Update(FSharpOption`1 next)
   at [email protected](model state, FSharpFunc`2 dispatch)
   at Elmish.ProgramModule.runWith[arg,model,msg,view](arg arg, Program`4 program)
   at funcUIPrototype.Shell.MainWindow..ctor() in /home/andreas/Documents/Projects/BBraun/ui-eval/avalonia/funcUIPrototype/funcUIPrototype/Shell.fs:line 80
   at funcUIPrototype.App.OnFrameworkInitializationCompleted() in /home/andreas/Documents/Projects/BBraun/ui-eval/avalonia/funcUIPrototype/funcUIPrototype/Program.fs:line 20
   at Avalonia.Controls.AppBuilderBase`1.Setup()
   at Avalonia.Controls.AppBuilderBase`1.SetupWithLifetime(IApplicationLifetime lifetime)
   at Avalonia.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetimeExtensions.StartWithClassicDesktopLifetime[T](T builder, String[] args, ShutdownMode shutdownMode)
   at funcUIPrototype.Program.main(String[] args) in /home/andreas/Documents/Projects/BBraun/ui-eval/avalonia/funcUIPrototype/funcUIPrototype/Program.fs:line 27

I did not find a relevant change in this MR. Does the problem exists here too? Should I create a new issue or will this be fixed with this MR? Is there anything I can do (to work around or help fixing this)?

Many thanks in advance.

schauerte avatar Jun 28 '21 16:06 schauerte

hey there, hello @schauerte I haven't been able to work on this anymore but the continued development is here https://github.com/fsprojects/Avalonia.FuncUI perhaps they can give you a hand

Feel free to use this PR as the base for a new PR I will take a look at it if you chose to do so

AngelMunoz avatar Jun 28 '21 18:06 AngelMunoz