Simon Bernier St-Pierre

Results 35 comments of Simon Bernier St-Pierre

I don't really have time to dig into how zsh autocomplete works, but I'll review & merge PRs for it

I'll create a new release

No issue with the idea. I just don't have time to work on new features. But I'll test & merge PRs.

Might be possible with `kubie ctx -` which goes to the previous context.

Yeah, could be an issue with the custom init script we use

This feels like something that should be implemented outside of kubie. The sub-shell is required to inject a bunch of stuff into `.bashrc` when we launch the shell. I'm not...

This is a great idea. The prompt could even be changed to display the user in this mode `[context|namespace|@user]`. Do you intend on working on this feature? No pressure to...

It seems like a simple enough change. I can write it in a branch so you can test. I don't have this kind of role configured in my clusters, I'll...

I'm not really working on new features for kubie at the moment. I would merge & review PRs for new features but I don't really have the time or inclination...

Should be possible to add an option to do this, I've explicitly wrote the lookup to avoid this behavior or occurring by accident. The best lookup algorithm would look into...