Stephanie Baum
Stephanie Baum
Passing along feedback from a friend - in typescript the contrast between white and cyan is a little hard on the eyes/not easy to differentiate
Thanks again @kushaljh for filing this issue. Thoughts @bg451 @austinlparker ? Could/should this be added as an additional option? Some of our users don't always recognized 400 as an error...
Resurrecting this issue! I think with available now we may be able to run a benchmark between proto and thrift transports. The other thing to consider is the library...
Ideally, I think we should calculate the difference between and and then apply that as the clock correction offset on the spans.
For LightStep users who are looking for an alternative, we recommend in the mean time auto-instrumenting with datadog java which [supports jre1.7]( See documentation for doing that [here]( This means...