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Analytics filter not being applied to newly edited localisations
On Correction view, after editing a localization such that it no longer qualifies for the current filter parameters (eg changing it's class), reloading the page or re-running the search will incorrectly still display the modified localization. To get desired result, user must perform a different filter, then re-run the original filter before the modified localization is correctly not-displayed.
Hi @sbatchelder,
Quick question and some background info --
When a localization is modified in corrections view, we chose to not immediately update the set so that you could paginate through the results and keep making updates. Ie. You make edits on page one, and when you navigate you can still go back to the first page without the numbering getting messed up in the middle of a workflow. (The color/badge suggestion related to this would help a lot to make this more clear.)
However, I would have expected re-running a search to have cleared that up. It looks like this "bulk caching" mentioned is intercepting, and it is what is stopping the "re-apply" of a same search from running. In the console I can see it skipping this code and printing "No change in filter condition" from the card data file.
So we can take a look into that.
But, the question I have is about reloading the page. I cannot reproduce this keeping the results sticking. It should re-run the rest call with the same filter parameters, and return results without the modified localization.
I wondered if the rest call itself is being cached by the browser (which you should be able to see from the Network console tab), but also there is a possibility of a small time gap (in the seconds) with the search indexing. Can you provide any more context around this? Ie. is it a large set of localizations, or modifications?
Still following up for reasons for this on our side. But, TLDR; Task for this issue is:
- Review the logic for corrections view "bulk caching" and allow it to "re-apply" of a same search
Hi Erin, I forgot to get back to you on this ages ago.
So yes, it is for a large set of localizations.
Here is an example where that first image's class was changed, but it still appears in it's previous class search AFTER having re-run the search. Note it says fecal_pellet_long and not fecal_pellet_blob (sorry for this terrible example).
Refreshing the page after a classname change (under current conditions anyways) seems to work fine :)