
Results 5 comments of sawchen

@KevinChann @koral-- As i known ,it happened on the all xiaomi phone with MIUI 11 system. I have xiaomi 8, xiaomi 8 se devices with MIUI 11, they all happened.But...

I also encountered this problem because of memory instability. My original 32g * 4, ram, this error is reported. Try to use SSD instead of ram, still report this error,...

[root@k8s-master init-hango]# kubectl get po -n hango-system | grep portal hango-portal-6985fd754d-2zhgg 2/2 Running 2 (6h41m ago) [14d] ------------------------------hango-portal报错信息------------------------------------------ 2023-09-04 16:26:56.641 [http-nio-11113-exec-9] INFO [==== uuid:08a63e86-2eb1-4ac1-be61-155e43b4124c] - Request Info is [POST]...

> values.yaml中有关于database的配置,可以先了解下helm的用法 我这边values.yaml是使用默认,这种配置应该使用internal相关的配置吧?账号密码都没作修改 database: type: internal internal: serviceAccountName: "" automountServiceAccountToken: false image: repository: tag: 5.7 username: "root" password: "1234" shmSizeLimit: 512Mi nodeSelector: {} resources: {} tolerations: [] affinity: {}...

database不使用internal,改为对接之前在k8s集群自搭建的mysql,可以正常运行所有服务,暂时解决了问题 现在已创建的数据库跑初始化数据库脚本 然后修改 database相关配置修改如下 database: type: external internal: serviceAccountName: "" automountServiceAccountToken: false image: repository: tag: 5.7 username: "root" password: "1234" shmSizeLimit: 512Mi nodeSelector: {} resources: {} tolerations: []...