
Results 8 comments of Simon

I was also thinking about observing a container containing a bunch of images instead of observing each image separately. Does this make any difference in performance?

Hi Manuel, thanks for your reply, I wasn't aware of this IE8 bug. But it would be great if the question mark issue could be fixed in the next release...

For a quick fix you can at least suppress the ts errors by adding that to a `*.d.ts` file: declare module 'vuelidate-error-extractor';

I got the same error, whenever `updateModel` is called. `this.$el` is supposed to be the vue component element and I don't see why this should be an array.

Same here, we wanted to use the vue component in our typescripted vue application and without it it's simply not possible.

As a workaround this should work, It did it with the `vue-froala-wysiwyg` component, but should work for the plain editor, too. create a file with suffix `.d.ts`, e.g. `froala-editor.d.ts` with...

I'm having the same issue - I have to set `rebase: false` in order to get the same behaviour as in pre-v0.12.2 versions: ``` js cssmin: { options: { rebase:...