Satrajit Ghosh

Results 251 comments of Satrajit Ghosh

@smeisler and @jsmentch have a datalad dataset for hbn. we need to do a bit more curation and then i will post the dataset on some repo.

this is the raw dataset. and we plan to run fmriprep 22.0.0 which will generate freesurfer 7.2 + fmriprep derivatives and the latest mriqc which includes a few additional things....

@yarikoptic - are you creating a dataset or testing the penn linc one? the folder on fcp-indi may be missing certain data.

> If your are aware of missing data, could you please alert data submitters? i don't know, but i saw some instances of anat missing in the bucket based on...

@JohannesWiesner - this is because this interface was not updated when `bids_event_files` was introduced. you can use standard `event_files` - this would be FSL event files, which i believe already...

it would need to follow a pattern similar to this section:

since SPM inherits from the base class, the field gets added to its inputspec, which is why the documentation lists it. indeed that is incorrect. the generic model indeed handles...

@JBarsotti - presently the submission of job arrays is not possible in nipype. however, if a running job is allowed to submit new jobs on your system, you can use...

@hstojic - this is quite old at this point and for a two sample t-test, but may help:

@PeerHerholz - that would be great. perhaps a quick look to see if niwidgets can be used may also be helpful.