Sara Brumfield
Sara Brumfield
Thom at Mt. A says they do a lot of outreach on social media, and that tends to engage people on their phones. They'll sign up for an account from...
Aaron at NBU would like to pop out the image viewer and put it on a 2nd screen. We didn't commit to this, but we should talk to Rainer and...
When trying to expunge the Utah State Archives trial account, I get a: I, [2019-09-06T13:31:02.775960 #26587] INFO -- : Started PATCH "/admin/expunge_user" for at 2019-09-06 13:31:02 +0000 I, [2019-09-06T13:31:02.780247...
We should keep the UI for starting a project by putting in the IA work URL, but under the covers we should "convert" or "derive" the IIIF manifest ID for...
With the upgrade to rails6, we may get this "for free" with the WYSIWYG editor that comes with it. Worth investigating.
I created a new user and then went in to the admin dashboard to edit it and change it into an owner. I couldn't edit the user because: ``` app/controllers/application_controller.rb:209:in...
We have a "notes" section for a collection, i.e. LVA would like a way to search or filter all the notes for the collection (rather than page through them)...
We should add a search to the project owner landing page: I don't know if it should be one or two searches. Maybe the equivalent of the collection search...
See this PR for similar work done on the collection lists: