Sara Brumfield
Sara Brumfield
So two of the PRs I reviewed today are v3 only -- biiif (#187 ) produces v3 manifests and canvas-panel (#192) is an enhanced viewer component for v3 canvases. Canvas...
I'd like to see a section highlight interoperability. Some content:
To reproduce: Sign out Visit
see ``` /home/fromthepage/deployment/releases/20221025204017/app/views/article/_article_links.html.slim:25:in `block in _app_views_article__article_links_html_slim__2605436971001351155_185800' ```
Turn off it gives a 500 error; it should give a 404
In order of longest running over the last 7 days. 1. export#subject_index_csv export was the slowest average response time activity last month -- 3 hours. 2. collection#activity_download 3. export#subject_details_csv 4....
This collection: Shows on it's first page incomplete works, but those works are incomplete because they "need review". The same collection, though, has untranscribed incomplete works. We should show...
Just like we have a "pages" tab for a work, a "works" or "directory" tab for a collection that showed all the works and their status would be super helpful.
From Jon a WWP: I recorded a video to show you exactly what the problem is. Basically we are seeing subjects being duplicated and one will get categorized under People...