Abhijit Sanyal

Results 20 issues of Abhijit Sanyal

Hello, The windows version is still 1.2. Can a windows executable be created for 1.5 version Thanks Abhijit


Hello, Please change the following hard-coded line in UniProt_downloader.sh. `xargs -n 1 -P $PROCESSORS -I % curl -s https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/%.fasta \` TO `xargs -n 1 -P $PROCESSORS -I % curl -s...

Hello, I have tried numerous times to get the "-S" option to work. But I never can get the "*" at the end of full-length proteins. Can this be fixed?...

Hi, I was wondering if it would be possible to extract smaller Gff3's from a bigger gff3 for a range of coordinates. You have implemented the "-r" and "-R" options...

Hello, I am finding it hard to understand how Stringtie is constructing the transcripts using the RNA-Seq data. Here is the setup. I am mapping RNA-Seq reads from GenomeA onto...

Hello, I am getting an error something like `unrecognizable command for -p 0.9` when I use the `-mm2_options`. My Command is as below: Please let me know if the syntax...

Hello, I have downloaded EasyFig 2.2.4. I am using BLAST+ version 2.2.3 32-bit windows. I am on windows 10. When I compare two embl formatted files that have annotation and...

Hi Lasse, This is similar to the request for STAR alignment support in bayesassembler. Is there anyway to give the program, HISAT2 alignments instead of Tophat2. Hisat2 as you know...

Hello, I am getting an error while indexing of the BAM files. I have installed the tool using conda. So the kallisto version is at 0.44 as mentioned. Below is...

Hello, I would like to use the AccuSyn Tool, but get an error `The first column in the GFF file is not following the correct format. The last character of...