Suggestion 1: By convention, the author will manually define accessor functions for all SRGs. ```hlsl ShaderResourceGroupSemantic slot1 { FrequencyId = 1; }; ShaderResourceGroup SRG : slot1 { struct CB {...
Suggestion 2: Don't do any automatic renaming. The developer will write standard resource declarations, without register spaces, and all that AZSLc will do is figure out the registers and alignments....
Suggestion 3: Similar to suggestion 2, but we use a namespace to wrap the SRG and just use an attribute or comment sentinel to mark it as an SRG ```hlsl...
I don't fully understand what you mean about the "lineage timeline", but overall it sounds like you are continuing to move in a good direction. Looking forward to discussing more...
@siliconvoodoo thanks for your analysis. I believe the original motivation for this task was to incorporate support for template functions. The (incorrect) assumption was that doing so would be relatively...
I made similar (but more comprehensive) changes here, it's currently sitting on a feature branch for bindless support. The bindless support is likely to be done soon, and a...
Removed myself as this shouldn't necessarily be assigned to me, that can be decided at the sig triage meeting.
Can you post the new screenshots in the PR description, since GitHub can't show the changed png file content?