Sandro Dzneladze

Results 20 comments of Sandro Dzneladze

It doesn't seem to work. I still see node_modules in timemachine backup. And provided command: `sudo mdfind "com_apple_backup_excludeItem = ''"` doesn't show what asimov excluded while running the command.

@stevegrunwell Do you still use this on Monterey? If you've a minute could you please take a look.

@dvdoug Use case could be following: - Shop makes its own boxes, any size. Shipping company accepts these without an issue. Consequence: 1. No need to create pre-defined box sizes....

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You are right, it is a far fetched use case.

This would be awesome.

pretty please ^_^

ah Safari... new IE never fails to deliver bogus issues, its been 2 years now this has not been fixed?

hm, it seems back in 2014 titan framework had support for multisite, but was removed for some reason.

Hi, Comment suggests "IP address of customer..." this is confusing. As we are setting client IP addresses here While I understand what you meant with customer, it was confusing...

მადლობა, pull-ისთვის. თუმცა უცნაურია, სატესტო საიტზე არის + იანი trans_id-ები და ჩოულებრივად სრულდება. შემთხვევით rawurlencode-ს ხომ არ იყენებ? ეგ ქმნიდა პრობლემას, და რომელიღაც კომიტში ამვოაგდე: დოკუმენტაციაშიც უწერია: >...